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Welcome to Health Smart Weight Loss. My name is Dr. Paul Tapia and I am a weight loss physician. I am Board Certified in Obesity Medicine and I am a proud member of the American Society of Bariatric Physicians.

Many people struggle with their weight. Obesity affects men, women, teenagers, adolescents and even children. Recently, the American Medical Association officially classified obesity as a disease. Obesity is a disease with many different causes and contributing factors. These factors include eating habits, stress, sedentary lifestyle, genetic, hormonal, immunological, psychological and metabolic. Excess weight causes or worsens comorbid conditions such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, sleep apnea, Type II Diabetes, knee and foot pain, polycystic ovarian syndrome and insulin resistance among many others. Excess weight also worsens other medical problems such as asthma, psoriasis eczema, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Many people have lost weight following a “fad” diet only to regain once they went back to their usual way of eating. “Fads” are simply quick-fixes that do not work for the long-term. Many fads are simply unhealthy and may even be dangerous. Many, if not all, “fad” diets have no scientific proof or evidence that they actually work or are even safe.

My program promotes and endorses healthy weight loss through lifestyle change. My weight loss program is based on evidenced based medicine, the latest medical research and FDA approved medications for weight loss. However, the star of the show remains lifestyle change.

The best diet is “the one that you can live with…..” and the one that allows you to eat the foods and participate in the activities that you enjoy.

I have had great success helping people lose weight and improve their lives. If you are ready to start your weight loss journey, I am here to help give you a “jump start” in the right direction.