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Way to go MB. I knew you could do it!


I remember the first couple of times you came to see me. You weighed 180 and were skeptical about losing weight. You said there was “no way” you could lose any weight. I saw you yesterday for follow-up. You now weigh 137 and look fantastic! Great job. See you next time. Dr. T.

Good job JJ !


Thus far, you have lost 43 pounds. You have really amped up your exercise routine. You are so close to your first goal. Keep up the good work !!

Wow !!


Congrats JH!! You lost 11 pounds in one week by using your food diary! You hadn’t even started taking any medication! Can’t wait to see what you do next month. Keep up the great work!

Staying thin after weight loss


I have noticed that a patient’s main problem in not regaining the weight (after significant weight loss) is not ignorance of healthy eating or of the health benefits of physical activity; rather it is an issue of establishing new routines, solving practical problems, and changing a pattern of emotional eating. This is why I emphasize the importance of changing behaviors, creating new habits, learning to cope with stress and find solutions to their everyday problems. Expecting weight maintenance from a patient without including it in my weight reduction program is like expecting somebody to perform the lead part in Swan Lake by giving them a pair of ballet shoes but no training.

Great job NG!


Thus far, you have lost 48 pounds !! You continue to use your food diary. I can tell that you have a completely different mindset when it comes to food. You have changed your habits for the better……portion control being one of them. Keep up the great work. Im excited to see what you do next month.

I kind of exercise whenever it fits. Sometimes morning sometimes at night. Will that be ok? or should I pick a time of day and stick with it?


Sure, that’s fine. We are all very busy people with jobs, kids, chores and so many other responsibilities. Inevitably, things come up and we may not be able to workout at a certain time. Therefore, its important to be flexible. Exercise whenever you have time, its convenient or have an opportunity. Sometimes you might be too tired from the days activities. In that case, you can either exercise for 15 minutes (instead of 30 minutes) or take a nap and exercise later. Thank you for posting a question.

Hey doc, when is the best time to work out, early in the morning before breakfeast or early afternoon after lunch?


Great question. The answer is: Whenever is most convenient for you.

Some people are early birds and thrive in the morning. Im a morning person and like to get up early. I would get up at 5 am everyday, grab my gym bag, MP3 player, coffee mug and head for the YMCA. I would get there about 5:30 am. I would run and lift weights on alternate days. After my workout, I would eat my Special K 90 Calorie bar, take a shower and head for work. I did this for several months and lost 33 pounds. I burned a lot of fat exercising before breakfast. My body had no choice but to burn fat (your body will not allow blood sugar to drop below a certain level).

Now I start my office an hour early. An early morning workout no longer fits into my daily routine and is no longer convenient. Therefore, I workout in the early afternoon. I have a light pre-exercise snack (oatmeal) and workout in the afternoon (after I get off work).

Thank you very much. That was a great question.

Good job TM!


Thus far, you have lost 40 pounds! You have developed new (healthier) eating habits. I think portion control has made a big difference. Keep up the good work and we’ll see you next time.

Hungry in between meals


Remember to have a game plan for when you get hungry in between meals. Many of you have heard me say “availability is key.” For example, it’s important to have fresh fruits (i.e. for a fresh fruit smoothie), beef jerky, almonds, cottage cheese, string cheese, salad, eggs, whole grain wheat thins, low fat (low sugar) yogurt etc. available when you get hungry and need a snack. Satisfying your hunger and/or cravings with healthy choices sets you up for success (and healthier eating habits).

Also, when you desire food ask yourself, “am I hungry or am I searching for food for some other reason?” Other “reasons” include stress, boredom, anxiety etc. If you are looking for food for reasons other than hunger, catch yourself and accept your emotion or state of mind as being part of everyday life. Find some other way to satisfy “your need.” It’s not as hard as you may think. But, developing this skill takes practice.

Until next time, keep up the good work!!!

Good job CW


You lost 18 pounds your first month!! Keep up the good work minimzing those carbohydrates and using your food diary. By cutting back on carbs, you lose a lot of water weight and burn calories. I knew you lost weight when I saw your face (a lot skinnier!). Can’t wait to see what you do next month.