Weight Loss Milestones

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Good Job Casey T.


Thus far, you have lost 48 pounds. You left the 200’s behind and it doesn’t look like you ever plan to go back. Keep up the great work. Look forward to your next visit.

Good job Kelley S!


Kelley you look great. Thus far, you have lost 66 pounds. Good job.

Great job Courtney W !!


So far you have lost 37 pounds! You did it in a hurry! You look great and it will only get better. Keep up the great work!!

Good job Samantha R!!


Great job. Thus far, you have lost 56 pounds and you look great!! You are doing well minimizing the carbs, smaller portions and making better choices. High carb foods don’t even sound appealing to you anymore. Great job!

Fantastic job Audra G.


Thus far, you have lost 73 pounds! You look like a different person. Good job.

Good job Tammy M.


Good seeing you today. Thus far, you have lost 44 pounds. Good job. See you next month !!

Good job JJ !


Thus far, you have lost 43 pounds. You have really amped up your exercise routine. You are so close to your first goal. Keep up the good work !!

Wow !!


Congrats JH!! You lost 11 pounds in one week by using your food diary! You hadn’t even started taking any medication! Can’t wait to see what you do next month. Keep up the great work!

Great job NG!


Thus far, you have lost 48 pounds !! You continue to use your food diary. I can tell that you have a completely different mindset when it comes to food. You have changed your habits for the better……portion control being one of them. Keep up the great work. Im excited to see what you do next month.

Good job DB !!


Great seeing you today. You have lost another 7 pounds for a total of 98 pounds! Great job. Im sure you will break 100 pounds next time we meet. Have fun with that exercise ball and bands. The kettle bell works wonders too! Dr. T