Lifestyle Change

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Changing your lifestyle:

Lifestyle refers to both healthy eating and activity level. My program helps people change their lifestyle through what is called “behavior modification.”

Behavior modification is the most important goal in when someone is trying to lose and maintain a healthy weight. Behavior modification means taking steps to change your external environment by establishing new habits.

Some examples are:

  1. Not eating in front of the television
  2. Not eating when you are bored
  3. Not eating when you are bored or stressed
  4. Taking the stairs instead of using the elevator
  5. Parking farther way from the grocery store or mall
  6. Avoiding fast foods
  7. Avoiding vending machines
  8. Eating at home more often instead of going out to restaurants
  9. Staying at a hotel that has a gym or swimming pool
  10. Planning your meals
  11. When at a restaurant, making healthy substitutions. For example: requesting mixed vegetables instead of having a loaded baked potato.
  12. Avoiding convenience stores

Changing your focus:

Many people spend their day focusing entirely on food. For example, many people use food for comfort e.g. when they feel stressed. It’s very important to find other ways of relieving stress.

Some examples include:

  1. Taking a walk
  2. Listening to music
  3. Reading a book
  4. Knitting
  5. Sitting outside and getting some fresh air
  6. Getting the mail
  7. Talking on the phone

Healthy Tips:

Most craving last an average of two minutes. If you can occupy yourself for two minutes, you can usually get over it.