Great question. The answer is: Whenever is most convenient for you.

Some people are early birds and thrive in the morning. Im a morning person and like to get up early. I would get up at 5 am everyday, grab my gym bag, MP3 player, coffee mug and head for the YMCA. I would get there about 5:30 am. I would run and lift weights on alternate days. After my workout, I would eat my Special K 90 Calorie bar, take a shower and head for work. I did this for several months and lost 33 pounds. I burned a lot of fat exercising before breakfast. My body had no choice but to burn fat (your body will not allow blood sugar to drop below a certain level).

Now I start my office an hour early. An early morning workout no longer fits into my daily routine and is no longer convenient. Therefore, I workout in the early afternoon. I have a light pre-exercise snack (oatmeal) and workout in the afternoon (after I get off work).

Thank you very much. That was a great question.